Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stone feature at Christchurch International Airport


The beautiful Timaru Bluestone feature walls at the Christchurch International Airport are an impression of the local Waimakariri River from the air. 

To date 500m2 of  stone has been installed to date using 6mm adjustable StoneClips.

Generally the cavity is 20mm wide with some of the stone fixed back to tilt slab with a 6.5mm drive pin.

The balance is fixed back onto 18mm construction ply using 20mm coach screws. Here you can see the top stone has the clip installed on the side of the slab as it is only required as a restraint.

About one third of the stone was installed prior to the earthquake on 4 September 2010 and installation was complete before the quake of 22 February  2011.

StoneClip is designed to allow the slabs to move during seismic activity.

With StoneClip the slabs are not rigidly pinned with and epoxy glued like with other mechanical fixing systems, therefore even though the stone in this project was subjected to severe shaking no stone fell off the walls or were damaged.